What's the problem, what's the solution!
Growing mental health issues due to overstimulation & scrolling addiction caused by addictive social media platforms.
Removal of media and focus the entire attention on social connection as well as facilitating face-to-face interaction.
Not knowing the current or future location of the user's network which may connect with your own. Even though there are some apps which allow sharing the current location, there are not any with the possibility of involving the future map.
Facilitate access of the location to a user's network (current and future).
Media bombardment through social platforms & lack of focus on the in person aspects.
Keep Up section of Wannahang. A humble social feed with no media that keeps users informed of the movements of friends.
Missing events & hangs in the near future.
View events & hangs in the proximity of your current/future location in an easy to read global map.
Wanting unbiased advice from a network of friends regarding travel but not knowing who to ask exactly.
Possibility to request travel advice. Wannahang will analyze the network of friends and suggest who to ask for the advice, taking into consideration the database of contacts who have already been in the location where the user wants to go.
Not knowing if potential like minded people are near.
Request friend suggestion / Suggest friend (promotion of meetings with like minded people).
-Emergency situations.
-Destinations that are better to go in groups.
-S.O.S button. The user can choose beforehand who they want their guardians to be or messages can also be sent automatically to those that are a certain amount of kms away from the emergency.
-Ask Travel Friend Suggestion.
-Robust network backed by genuine encounters.
Last updated