
Setting the scene, surveying the landscape:

There was a time when the concept of a ‘social media’ platform was fresh in the minds of society and promised connection, interaction and the break-down of barriers within our world. A beautiful concept which if executed and maintained would bring people together from all corners of the world and promote healthy social interaction, as well as communication.

In the modern era, what we once knew as social media has transformed into primarily media. The platforms which once seemed explorative and exciting have become seekers of attention grabbing media designed to shackle users to a finely tuned ‘social feed’ which serves them video after video, picture after picture, opinion after opinion, ad infinitum. The worst part about it all is that users receive no tangible benefit, while the corporate overseers print huge profits.

Where once we wanted to maintain connections with friends and keep up-to-date with the movements of those we love, we are now directed by algorithms often never knowing when friends are nearby or doing something that may interest us. We are incentivised to stay inside & continue staring at our collection of screens, moving from one illusionary dopamine hit to the next one.

Today, media reigns supreme & human attention is monetised to squeeze every drop of profit as possible ... the world calls for something deeper. With mental health in rapid decline & polarised media present in every corner of digital world, it has become acutely apparent that we need change.

Let's make that change together.

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