S.O.S Button

The S.O.S button is a key function, especially for those who travel alone and are far from home. It generates a feeling of security in the user that contributes to an overall positive experience with the platform.

Wannahang has an S.O.S button that notifies those in the user's close friend network (this can be set up beforehand) that the person had some type of emergency. When the user clicks the button, the option to enter a description of the said emergency appears.

The user can either write their own description or select from a few predetermined messages. It can be set in a way that the person can choose beforehand who they want their guardians to be; those whom the S.O.S message is sent to.

Another possibility is that the user can choose for the message to be sent automatically to those that are within a certain amount of kilometres away from the emergency. Otherwise, the user can decide the audience in the moment if desired.

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